Extended time off - Home Learning Activities
This page is specifically for any children who have an extended period of time off school such as that which we are currently facing, while the boiler is fixed. We have uploaded 5 days of maths place value work and five days of English for the time being (though we hope to be back in school before all of this is completed!). There is some additional work on counting in steps of equal size, if you feel your child needs more maths work and an additional set of reading comprehension tasks and a word search for those who wish to use them, but please only do so if we are off for an extended period as this may be needed should the school close for snow for example.
You will also see that we have uploaded a science activity that we were going to complete during the first week of term - A3 copies of this can be collected from the office should you wish to have them, or you may prefer to look at the leaflet and complete the activities in a different way - through discussion or by creating an online presentation for example.
For RE we are beginning to learn about the Jewish faith and this week we would have been watching a video online, then completing an activity sheet. Details of both the video and a copy of the activity can also be found in the files below. Should you have any concerns or questions please send us a message on dojo.
We hope to see everyone back in school again very shortly.
The Year 2 Team