
Miss le Couteur: Geography Lead

Curriculum Intent

At Etchells, we aim to inspire and ignite our pupils’ curiosity about the world around them, how it has been formed, and how is it constantly changing.

We seek to inspire children to be lifelong learners, who are curious about the world, and empowered to shape it.

The intent of our Geography curriculum is to increase children’s awareness, knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of places and cultures.

We seek to develop children’s skills, including how to use, draw and interpret maps and atlases. We seek to make pupils aware of environmental issues at local, regional and global levels. We encourage children to see themselves as active and global citizens who can help enact change. We help children to make informed decisions about how to live their lives - now and in the future.

We follow the National Curriculum, teaching all statutory content, and using a Topic-based approach. We focus on location, place and where the children fit into the physical world in Early Years and Key Stage 1. We then extend locational knowledge to Europe and beyond in Key Stage 2, and build ideas about the influence of people and the changing world. Locational knowledge is taught throughout the school, with progression through year groups. Knowledge and skills are carefully considered across topics to build on previous topics and transferable concepts. 


We want our children to be curious about how physical and human events in the wider world connect to them. We want our children to be critical thinkers, who are able to collect, analyse, and interpret data gathered through fieldwork . As they develop geographical enquiry skills, children will actively search out differing viewpoints and bias, having an awareness of not taking ‘facts’ at face value.

We use enrichment days to immerse our children in geography through a knowledge-rich curriculum, giving them a progressive sense of place, moving from local to national to global. This will allow them to study diverse places, people and environments, so they develop a deep understanding of how physical and human geography interact, all taught within a flexible content that responds to the ever-changing world.

How does the Early Years Curriculum get our pupils ready for the Y1-6 Curriculum?

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Foundations for Geography in EYFS

Let's Connect

Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

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Headteacher | Cathy Beddows