Science at Etchells is led by Mr Crompton. As a core subject Science has a strong presence at Etchells. The children are enthusiastic scientists and take great pride in their work.
Statement of intent
We want to encourage a curiosity and fascination with science and the natural world. Based on our Core Values: Know, Explore and Communicate. Our curriculum is based on live planning, which is created with the pupils. It aims to facilitate growth in scientific understanding, through enquiry based learning. Allowing children to devise questions and lines of enquiry, cfreative recording using double page spreads and to be able to articulate their understanding of the concepts in Science working parties.
Foundations for Science in EYFS
In EYFS the science focus is The Natural World. In Nursery, our pupils use their senses in hands on exploration of a range of materials; look at plants; simple life cycles and different countries in the world. In Reception, they will build upon this knowledge and start to develop vocabulary to describe their explorations and understand important processes such as seasons and changing states. They will use scientific skills such as: observing, comparing, classifying, measuring and predicting. This could include activities such as: making animal homes, growing fuits and vegetables and exploring materials through open-ended play.
This foundation achieved in the Early Years prepares our pupils for scientific learning in KS1, to work scientifically to complete the Year 1 Programme of Study to explore plants, animals including humans and everyday materials.
Key Stages 1&2
In Key Stages 1&2, Science has 2 aspects of knowlegde and working scientifically. The skills needed to work scientifically such as observing and classifying are woven into activities covering the knowledge that is covered within each year group. The working scientifically skills are progressive and build on skills covered in previous years.
During Key Stage 1 (year 1 and year 2) staff usually create Science activities linked to their topics. Children have explored, the best place to keep Paddington's sandwiches fresh ( sadly, this was not under Paddington's hat!) ice investigations and seasonal changes.
Science is covered as weekly lessons at Key Stage 2. Where possible staff continue to link Science activities to topics or give discrete lessons if this is more appropriate. A range if activities are covered, such as plant life cycles, habitats and a very popular unit on space.
Please enjoy looking at our science photographs from across the school to give a flavour of the range of activities covered.