Beliefs and Values Education (RE)
Curriculum Intent for Beliefs and Values Education (RE)
Our Beliefs and Values Education curriculum helps pupils to explore the big questions about the meaning and purpose of life and develop their knowledge and understanding of the world’s faiths and beliefs.
Pupils will make links to their own experiences and beliefs and reflect on their own ideas and their own ways of living. Beliefs and Values Education encourages pupils to develop a sense of their own identity and flourish individually within society whilst fostering respect for others and understanding the important role they play as citizens in a global community.
Beliefs and Values Education lead – Mrs Townend
At Etchells, we seek to provide a broad and balanced Beliefs and Values Education which enables the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils whilst promoting the key British Values of mutual respect and tolerance.
Our wide-ranging and varied curriculum enables children to develop a knowledge and understanding of the religious beliefs and practices of the major religions represented in Great Britain today: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism.
Pupils are given opportunities to encounter and respond to different religions, beliefs, values and traditions, while exploring their own beliefs. A variety of teaching approaches are used to engage the children. Visits are often made to places of worship, in particular our local Cheadle Mosque. Visitors are welcomed and we enjoy a variety of multi faith assemblies each year which help us to celebrate diversity and understand the practises of different faiths at key dates in the year.
How does the Early Years Curriculum get our pupils ready for the Y1-6 Curriculum?
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Foundations for RE in EYFS