6W 2024 - 2025
Miss Wilson
Welcome to Year 6 and your child’s final year at Etchells!
Hello and welcome to 6W’s class page.
Our Year 6 team includes:
Miss Wilson and Mr Crompton (Class teachers)
Mrs Pollit (Teaching Assistants)
Mrs Keeling (Learning Support)
We hope that you had a wonderful summer break and are excited to get started on the new school year, and your child’s last year at Primary School. We know this is a momentous year for our Year 6 children with lots of exciting opportunities and we can not wait for all the adventures along the way.
This term we will begin our enquiry based topic- ‘How did war change Britaim?’. This is a History based topic where we will focus on the World Wars and the impact of these on Great Britain and our local area. We will visit the local cenotaph and fond out about the impact of the world wars. We will also discuss how refugee has been a common theme in Great Britain since before the first world war and how it continues to shape our society.
To fuel our children’s imagination and creative writing, we will be studying texts in a range of genres and by a variety of significant authors, beginning with looking at The Journey by Francesca Sanna. The children will explore real examples of effective narrative techniques and rich vocabulary, whilst being given the opportunity to write for a particular purpose. They will also be immersed into fictional worlds through drama - igniting curiosity, provoking enquiry and demanding critical thinking.
This year we will be focusing on securing the children’s understanding and confidence using formal methods for the four mathematical operations. The children will also be developing their mental arithmetic skills and will have lots of opportunities to deepen their understanding through investigation and problem solving work
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me on Class Dojo or please use the uks2@etchells.stockport.sch.uk email address and I will get back to you.
Miss Wilson
Files to Download
6W: Gallery items
Year 6 Fair Trade Art, by Miss Wilson
Year 6 Kingsway Arts day, by Miss Wilson
6W: Calendar items
Robinwood Residential Y6, by Mrs Peterson
SATs week, by Mrs Peterson