School Uniform
Although school uniform is not compulsory at this age, we positively encourage the children to wear our recommended school uniform, and learn to take pride in their appearance. Please be aware that the only item we require to be purchased from the school is the sweatshirt/cardigan, all other items can be purchased elsewhere. There is an opportunity to purchase second hand uniform from school and regular events will be set up to do this.
Blue embroidered sweatshirts or cardigans (required and branded)
White polo shirt / blouse / shirt
Grey skirt / pinafore
Grey shorts / trousers
White / grey socks or tights
Black / Brown shoes (not trainers)
Pale blue & white striped / checked dress for Summer term
Uniform can be purchased from the link below:
PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL YOUR CHILD’S CLOTHES ARE MARKED CLEARLY WITH HIS / HER NAME. There are numerous websites providing name labels; one we particularly recommend is who produce stick on nametapes. The product is of an excellent quality, reliable and guaranteed for 10 years. If you order through the link below, the company donate 24% of every order to school
or if ordering directly throgh their website, please enter our school ID at the checkout: 26274
Children should not wear jewellery in school. They may wear a watch (no smart watches)
Earrings should be restricted to studs or small sleepers.
Following LA Guidelines all jewellery must be removed for PE and swimming.
Small school bags (which will fit inside your child’s classroom tray) may be purchased from school and can be used for carrying reading books and snacks.
Due to limited space we discourage children from bringing large bags to school.
Gym / Dance
Black shorts & White T-shirt
Games / Outdoor Activities
Black jogging bottoms & white T-shirt
Trainers or pumps
Tracksuits in colder weather
(Outside games take place all year round except in extreme weather conditions)
No PE bag is needed as children will come to school dressed either for PE or Forest School - You will be advised of the days they are required once the term has started)
Forest School
As above with the addition of
Waterproof Coat
Swimming (Year 3 – 5)
Swimming costume / trunks (not long shorts)
Long hair tied up, swimming cap
Goggles should not be worn unless there is a medical reason. If that is the case then parents should write to their child’s class teacher giving the reasons for the request.
Children are not exempt from National Curriculum Swimming Lessons (which are compulsory) without a Doctor’s Certificate.