Admission Arrangements

Nursery Provision

We have a 40 part time place Nursery Class with caring and experienced staff, who offer exciting first hand experiences for children.

We offer 15 hour free entitlement places for children in the September before their 4th birthday. We offer places on a two and a half  day basis - Monday to Wednesday lunchtime or Wednesday lunchtime to Friday.  If we do not fill our places on this basis then 30 hours funding or voluntary top ups may be offered.  Our Nursery is popular and so we can only offer additional hours if places haven't been filled and these are allocated on a first come first served basis.

Due to the demand for places we are not able to offer January starts or places for 'rising twos'.

All Nursery places must be applied for online.

Click here to visit the Admissions website

Reception Admission

Admission to school is done through Stockport Local Authority in the autumn term of the previous academic year (i.e. the September before your child becomes five).

We have 60 places available for admission in September 2025 and further details of the admission procedure can be found on the Stockport Council website.  All admissions to the school (for both Nursery places and Reception places) must now be completed on-line.  There are no paper copies available.  Details regarding applications for Nursery, Primary and Secondary places can be found on the Admissions website link below.  On this site there are two useful links found on the right hand side of the page under ‘Related Documents’

  • Applying for Primary School Booklet
  • School Admissions Policy and Procedures

Please remember the following very important closing dates for admission to school in September 2025:

  • Secondary                 31st October 2024
  • Primary                      15th January 2025
  • Nursery                      31st March 2025

Click here to visit the Admissions website



You can check to see if you live within our catchment area by looking at our CATCHMENT AREA PAGE.

(Please note, it is not only children within catchment who are accepted for places at our school.)



Changing schools withinStockport

You can use Stockport Council online admissions system to apply to transfer from:

  • one primary or secondary school to another in Stockport
  • an independent school to a school in Stockport

Moving into Stockport 

If you're moving into Stockport from another area, including from overseas, you can make an application to change schools using th Stockport Council online admissions system.

You may be required to prove that you live in the Stockport Borough and provide documentary evidence to support this.



After placement of children with an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) which names the school, places will be allocated in the following order up to the Published Admission Number (PAN) of the school or class:

A. Looked after children or previously looked after children.

B. Children considered to have 'highly expectional medical/social' reasons evidenced by professionals in a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) or Early Health Assessment.

C. Any other applicants, in order of straight line distance measured between home and school.

D. Applications recieved after the closing date ordered by the criteria detailed at A and C above.



All appeals are to be heard by the Local Authority, please follow this link:


  • More information available in the ‘Stockport Review’ – delivered in October 2012.
  • You can access the admissions system from most information centres across the Borough (Fred Perry House / Libraries etc) as well as Children’s Centres, Nurseries and GPs Surgeries.
  • Information (but not application forms) is available from school
  • The Support & Advice Team at the Town Hall are able to provide help on 0161 480 4949 – just ask for help with school admissions
  • If you need help with any aspect of admissions please do not hesitate to come into school and we’ll see what we can do!

If you have not yet had the opportunity to visit Etchells Primary School, I hope that you will accept our invitation to come and see for yourself the wide and varied learning opportunities that we offer and gain a full understanding of what our school can offer you.

We offer open mornings for prospective parents in the Autumn term.  Please feel free to phone and make an appointment to see our school at a different time of the year if needed.

Please telephone school on 0161 437 1792 to make an appointment – you are very welcome!



If a parent is not offered a place at their preferred school, their child’s name will be included in the school’s waiting list. The list will be ordered by the published oversubscription criteria of the school. Waiting lists for Nursery, Reception and Year 7 will be maintained until the 31st December. The normal in-year admissions process will take over and any parents wishing to have their child's name included on the waiting list for the remainder of the academic year will need to re-apply.

Should a vacancy occur in that school before the 31st December, then it will be offered to the parent whose child is at the top of the waiting list. If that parent does not accept the vacancy, it will be offered to the next child on the waiting list. This procedure will be followed until the vacancy is accepted or the waiting list is exhausted.

The waiting lists for all other year groups will be maintained for the full academic year.


Let's Connect

Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

Email |

Headteacher | Cathy Beddows