English as an Additional Language EAL
‘English as an Additional Language’ (EAL) refers to learners who have been ‘exposed to a language at home that is known or believed to be other than English’ (Department for Education, 2019). A proportion of our pupils have arrived from other countries with no or very little understanding of English. A number of these pupils who have come from abroad and have attended other schools before joining our school. Many of our children are exposed to more than one langage at home.
At Etchells Primary school we celebrate and value the diversity of our school community, these principles underpin our school ethos. The School has, at present, approximately 47% of the students classed as having English as an additional language (EAL). Altogether, there are at least 25 different languages spoken and heard by our children and in our school community. Accurate figures are reported termly at the Full Governing Body.
We supports the needs of those children who attend Etchells Primary School who are learning English as an additional language. We welcome the cultural, linguistic and educational experiences that such pupils bring to our school, while supporting them through the academic process, so that they become confident and fluent in speaking and listening, reading and writing English. To achieve these aims we have both a clear teaching and learning policy, as well as an inclusion policy.
Language Ambassadors
At Etchells, we are lucky enough to have many children who can speak more than one language. Each year, a team of Language Ambassadors are chosen from KS2 to represent our school community. From welcoming new starters to reading dual-language books with younger children, the Language Ambassadors are a vital part of making every child feel confident, content and part of our school family. Our language ambassadors play an integral part in the planning of school events and finding out about our diverse community. The work they do is invaluable!
Please see out EAL padlet which highlights the work being done across school for our EAL learners.