EYR 2024 - 2025

Mrs Revill

Welcome to Etchells and EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)

A particular warm welcome to all our new children and parents who have just joined our Etchells family!

I am Mrs Revill and I teach class EYR.  I came to Etchells for my first teaching post 24 years ago as a newly qualified teacher and I have stayed ever since!  Etchells is a wonderful school with super children, supportive parents and a great staff team who love to laugh!

I feel very lucky to teach at such a lovely school, particularly to teach in the early years.  We just love to see the children start school, gain confidence, become independent learners and particularly to watch them learn to read and write.  The first time they pick up a reading book and realise that they can read is just magical! When you first read something they have written back to them and they understand that you can read their writing... well, parents, just wait and see!

I hope you enjoy looking at our webpage and at the photographs of all the interesting activities that we do.  We have lots of discussions about what the children would like to learn about and their interests.  The children then decide all the great and fun activities that we are going to do, including art and craft activities and role play (we recently had a castle and a dragon's cave!). The children choose literacy activities such as writing superhero stories and making dinosaur pop up books and even fun days like circus day, when 'Kev the Clown' came to visit. We have dressing up days like when we had our Royal Ball for our Right Royal Rumpus theme and day trips to the seaside, farms or ice cream factories! We certainly have lots of fun whilst we learn!


In Autumn term we will be beginning to learn our phonemes (the sounds that letters make) and blending them together to hear and read simple words. We be focusing on single graphemes (individual letters) and then digraphs (two letters that make one sound e.g. ch, sh, ee, oo, ai, ou etc). We will be practising writing our letters and our names correctly and beginning to write simple sentences. We will also be doing lots of work developing our vocabulary and story telling skills.

In spring and summer terms we use our knowledge of phonics to read and write simple words, phrases and sentences. We spell most words phonetically so park sometimes gets written as poc or cinema might look like sinima. We are particularly focusing on correct letter formation as this is a requirement for children to mee the end of year expectations.


In Autumn term we focus on all the early numeracy skills such as: rote counting, counting objects accurately by saying one number for each object, knowing that the last number said determines the amount in each set etc. We will also be recognising and ordering numbers and matching the correct numerals to different sets of objects. 

In the spring and summer terms, in order to develop mastery in maths, we develop calculating skills with very small numbers. So as we explore and learn about numbers we start to investigate how to make each number e.g. 5 can be made by 4 +1, 1 + 4, 3 + 2, 2 + 3, 5 + 0, 0 + 5, 2 + 2+ 1, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 etc. This helps us to become really confident in manipulating numbers and when we come across more challenging calculations.

Please see the 'AREs and ELGs' document below which clearly sets out the Age Related Expectations and Early Learning Goals for Early Years aged children for all of of areas of learning including Literacy and numeracy.



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EYR: News items

EYFS Spring Newsletter 2025, by Mrs Peterson

EYR: Gallery items

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EYR: Calendar items

Easter Bonnet Parade, by Mrs Peterson

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Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

Email | admin@etchells.stockport.sch.uk

Headteacher | Cathy Beddows