Mr Cope and Mrs Collins share the leadership of Computing. As digital technology increases in our daily lives, we feel children need a high quality computing education in which they can be creative and resilient leaners.
Statement of Intent
At Etchells Primary School, we wish to prepare our children for the role computing technology will play in their future lives and careers. We will challenge pupils to access technology with confidence and curiosity. In addition to providing pupils with necessary skills and knowledge, we will model and explore healthy, responsible behaviours, demonstrating the positive impact technology can have on day-to-day life.
Social media is a vital form of modern communication, both socially and professionally: we aim for an open dialogue with pupils so staff can tailor their teaching and guidance to be directly relevant to pupil experiences.
With the choice of tools and digital literacy skills we provide, children will be able to use a range of technology safely, with increasing independence to deepen and enhance their learning across the length and breadth of our curriculum. Pupils will also be challenged to apply their knowledge by presenting their learning in exciting and creative ways. Our school will also take advantage of the opportunities technology provides to improve the ways our SEND community accesses the curriculum.
Computing is an exciting, ever-changing subject with the potential to fascinate and inspire our pupils. We will realise this potential through an engaging curriculum, reviewed and adapted using expert advice and created cooperatively with the pupils themselves.
Computing at Etchells begins in the Early Years where children have access to technology through their continuous provision. The children learn to use technology safely and begin to follow instructions as well as recognise cause and effect. We follow a sequenced curriculum from Nursery to Year 6 which effectvely develops the three strands of Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.