Design and Technology

At Etchells Design and Technology is led by Miss Laurie

In DT, the fun’s never done,

We design, make, and learn as we run.

Our skills get a test,

We always try our best,

Future designers—we’ve only begun!

We craft, build, and think all day,

New ideas come out to play.

We learn so much, you’ll see,

So come enjoy DT with me—

It’s the coolest, most creative way!

I am pround to say in January we were awarded the Design and Technology Quality Mark which only 5 other Primary schools have been awarded.

The Design and Technology Quality Mark is awarded to secondary departments and primary schools who provide excellent teaching and learning in Design and Technology and is awarded to schools who can demonstrate they fully meet all the descriptors by completing a rigorous evaluation process and can demonstrate the quality of their work in Design and Techonology.

Emerging skills in D&T are weaved into daily tasks in the Early Years where pupils are always cutting, joining and creating a range of projects.  These skills are built on in wholly creative ways across Key Stage One where regular opportunities are found to teach the subject.  Here you will find baking, cooking, sewing, vehicles and woodwork to name a few examples.

D&T becomes more technical across Key Stage 2 including more challenging textile projects, designing and making some great structures and creating food celebrating culture and seasonality. 

By delivering a curriculum in Design & Technology, the intent is to develop our know, explore communicate curriculum by exploring an enquiry based approach where the children have the opportunity to explore the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and successfully. For the children to be able to build on the knowledge, understanding and skills taught in previous years in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users. For all children to be able to critique, test and evaluate test their ideas and products and the work of others. To allow the children to understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn and progress how to cook using more complex skills and techniques.

How does the Early Years Curriculum get our pupils ready for the Y1-6 Curriculum?

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Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

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Headteacher | Cathy Beddows