6C 2024 - 2025

Mr Crompton

Welcome to Year 6 and your child’s final year at Etchells!

Hello and welcome to 6C’s class page.


Our Year 6 team includes:

Miss Wilson and Mr Crompton (Class teachers)

Mrs Pollit (Teaching Assistants)

Miss Johnson, Mrs Keeling and Mrs Shakeel (Learning Support)



This term, our topical investigation will be —“Can you solve our Mesoamerican Mystery? The children are going to be History Mystery investigators and are going to look at the mystery of the Mayan people. They are going to look at their culture and lifestyle as well as possible reasons for their sudden and unexpected disappearance. We will also be exploring their Gods and how they worshipped using temples and pyramids. They will be building their own model of the famous Chichen Itza as part of our Design Technology topic.


English writing

We will continue to be inspired by a range of texts and authors in our writing, We will be thinking carefully about the audience and purpose of our writing in order to select appropriate form and vocabulary choices.


English Reading and SPaG

We will be preparing for the SATs Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) Test with daily revision along with daily reading VIPERS to support our preparation for our reading assessment.



In Maths, we will be continuing to ready ourselves for the SATs, we will be revising all mathematical skills prior to our SATs assessments in May. We will then have a focus on practical maths skills, such as the use of spreadsheets and creating household budgets.



Our Science topics for the summer term are: The human circulatory system and Living things and their habitat. In the circulatory system we will be looking at how the heart works and the effects exerciser on the body. In living things and their habitat the children will be learning about the Linnaean Classification system.


If you have any questions or concerns please contact me on Class Dojo or please use the uks2@etchells.stockport.sch.uk email address and I will get back to you.

Mr Crompton

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SATs week, by Mrs Peterson

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Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

Email | admin@etchells.stockport.sch.uk

Headteacher | Cathy Beddows