2VK 2023 - 2024

Mrs Vedvik

Mrs Keeling

Welcome to Year 2!

The 2VK team includes Mrs Vedvik and Mrs Keeling, with fabulous support from Mrs Cotterill, Mr Johnson and Mrs H.

Mrs Vedvik teaches the class Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Keeling teaches the class Thursday and Friday. 

We have lots of exciting learning opportunities that we are looking to share with the class. This term in maths we are focusing on applying our number bonds and multiplication facts and exploring measurement. In English we use a range of resources to support our writing including the poem 'If I was in charge of the world', we have a range of texts to support reading comprehension and a phonic awareness programme to develop spellings. The pupils are in targeted phonics groups for this last programme.

If you have any questions or concerns please catch either of us at the classroom door at the end of the day, via Class Dojo or using the ks1@etchells.stockport.sch.uk email address and Mr Cope (the phase leader) will forward it to us.



Files to Download

2VK: News items

Year 2 - Summer Newsletter, by Mrs Peterson

2VK: Gallery items

Chester Zoo 2024, by Mrs Wilson

#LetGirlsPlay, by Mrs Macfarlane

2VK: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Let's Connect

Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

Email | admin@etchells.stockport.sch.uk

Headteacher | Cathy Beddows