Foundations for Geography in EYFS

Understanding the world involves guiding the children to make sense of their physical world and their community. During their Nursery Year the children are introduced to a world of possibilities where they can aspire to be anyone they choose to be, anywhere in the world.  The key to this learning is to develop positive attitudes about the differences between people and where we live. Using role play and dressing up, stories and real life visitors the children talk about what their role in society is and where they would work.  Positive experiences working with peers, adults within the classroom and with people in our community are part of our ethos where our differences are celebrated.

This extends into the Reception year where the children describe and understand that some places are special to communities. They discuss information from a simple map, this may be a simple drawn map of the classroom or by using stories like, Handa’s Surprise (Eileen Browne) or Spinderella (Julia Donaldson) where the children see a ‘Spiders’ eye view’ from the corner of a classroom, discussions about their journey to school and the various methods of travel to places the children have experienced. The children talk about places important to them and their proximity to our school describing them as being near or far and how we may travel to them. The children share their interests and fascinations of the wider world, nurturing the children’s natural curiosities (animals around the world, volcanic eruptions, pyramids and also through photographs of friends and family from the UK and the wider world). This also provides opportunity to compare what life is like between this country and in other countries drawing on the children’s knowledge and experiences.

Let's Connect

Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

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Headteacher | Cathy Beddows